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Miles Hutchinson, CGMA

Miles is an accomplished businessman, business consultant and course leader specializing in finance, accounting and taxation for the non financial executive, the tax specialist and the accounting professional alike. He is also proficient in the training of sales and payroll taxation, public speaking, negotiating, communications, time management, technical documentation, facilitation, and computer skills.

With over 35 years of experience, Miles has amassed a multi-disciplined approach to client consulting. With increasing responsibilities in jobs ranging from independent financial auditor with Price Waterhouse to Chief Financial Officer of a one billion-dollar real estate development company, Miles brings a seasoned, diverse and creative viewpoint to your situation and draws on that experience to bring you the best solution. He has facilitated customized public and onsite business consulting/training sessions and presented over 650 business application and professional skills single and multi-day seminars. Miles has designed and delivered training and support services to a full range of staff over the broadest strata of businesses.

He has designed, developed, implemented and monitored complete business systems documentation programs. He will evaluate your situation and bring clarity to the chaos in the shortest time frame imaginable



Feel free to call or e-mail us to discuss any tax issues you may have.


Last modified on Sat Oct 18 2014 23:40:19 UTC.
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